EN 60947-5-5 关于急停按钮CE认证的要求
4 Marking and product information标识和产品信息
4.1 General
Information for installation, operation, maintenance and/or periodic testing shall be provided
when necessary on or with the emergency stop device.
NOTE 1 In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to provide additional information, for example:
– by labels,
– by marker flags attached to wires or ropes to improve their visibility,
– by a graphical symbol (see 4.2.2 or Table A.1 of IEC 61 31 0-1 :2007).
-通过图形符号(见IEC 61 31 0-1:2007的4.2.2或表a .1)。
4.2 Indications on buttons按钮的显示
4.2.1 Buttons used as emergency stop device actuators shall be coloured red.
When a background exists behind the actuator, it shall be coloured yellow.
Where a symbol is needed for clarification, the symbol IEC 6041 7-5638 (DB:2002-1 0) shall be used (see Figure 2).
在需要说明符号的地方,符号IEC 6041 7-5638 (DB:2002-1 - 0)应使用(见图2)。
Figure 2 – Symbol (5638) for emergency stop急停按钮符号
4.2.2 The direction of unlatching shall be identified when resetting is achieved by rotation of the button. This identification shall have the same or nearly the same colour as the actuator in order to avoid misinterpretation.
NOTE See also IEC 60073 and ISO 3864 series.
注:参见IEC 60073和ISO 3864系列。
5 Electrical requirements电气要求
5.1 Depending on the associated devices, the utilization categories shall be one or more categories selected from Table 1 of IEC 60947-5-1 :2016.
根据相关设备的不同,使用类别应从IEC 60947-5-1:2016的表1中选择一个或多个类别。
NOTE For guidance refer to Annex K of IEC 60947-5-1 :2016.
注:参考IEC 60947-5-1:2016的附件K
5.2 All normally closed contact elements of an emergency stop device shall have a direct
opening action in accordance with Annex K of IEC 60947-5-1 :2016.
根据IEC 60947-5-1:2016附件K,紧急停止装置的所有常闭触点元件应具有直接
The tests shall be conducted according to Annex K of IEC 60947-5-1 :2016.
:测试应根据IEC 60947-5-1:2016的附件K进行。
5.3 The degree of protection provided by the emergency stop device shall be stated by the
manufacturer in accordance with annex C of IEC 60947-1.
紧急停止装置提供的保护程度应由制造商根据IEC 60947-1的附件C说明
5.4 Tests for electrical characteristics shall be conducted according to IEC 60947-5-1 .
电气特性测试应按照IEC 60947-5-1进行。
6 Mechanical requirements机械特性要求
6.1 General requirements
6.1 .1 Means shall be provided to enable the emergency stop device to be securely installed in its intended mounting position.
The test shall be conducted according to 7.2.1 .
6.1 .2 The emergency stop device shall meet the requirements of 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and, where applicable, of 7.7.5.
6.1 .3 It shall be possible to operate and reset the emergency stop device under all normal service conditions
The test shall be conducted according to 7.2 to 7.7.4.
试验按7.2 ~ 7.7.4进行。
6.1 .4 Vibration or shocks shall not cause the opening of the contacts in the closed position or the closing of the contacts in the open position, nor operation of the latching mechanism.
The tests shall be conducted according to 7.5 and 7.
6.2 Latching锁定
6.2.1 When the emergency stop signal (including the necessary clearance distance) has been generated during actuation of the emergency stop device, the emergency stop function shall be maintained by latching of the actuating system.
The emergency stop signal shall be maintained until the emergency stop device is reset (disengaged). It shall not be possible for the emergency stop device to latch-in without generating the emergency stop signal.
In case of failure in the emergency stop device (including the latching means), the generation
of the emergency stop signal shall have priority over the latching function.
The tests shall be conducted according to 7.2, 7.7.2 and 7.7.3.
6.2.2 The latching shall operate correctly when the emergency stop device is used under conditions, specified either in 7.4 or by the manufacturer, whichever is more severe.
The test shall be conducted according to 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7.
6.3 Additional requirements for button type emergency stop device
6.3.1 The resetting of the latching means shall be by turning a key, by rotation of the button in the designated direction, or by a pulling motion.
The test shall be conducted according to 7.2.1 and .
6.3.2 The emergency stop device shall be so designed that:
– the emergency stop actuator can be operated in a direction perpendicular to its mounting
surface; 所述紧急停止执行机构可在与其安装面垂直的方向上操作;
– removal of the actuator is from the inside of the enclosure only, or from the outside of the enclosure by use of a tool intended for that purpose; 执行器的拆卸只能从外壳的内部进行,或者使用用于该目的的工具从外壳的外部进行;
– it can be actuated by a one-handed continuous motion. 它可以由单手连续运动驱动。
This shall be verified by inspection (see 7.2.1 ).
圆形紧急停机蘑菇头 - 钥匙释放 IP66 IEC 60364-5-53 JIS C8201-5-1 EN/IEC 60947-1 GB 14048.5 EN/IEC 60947-5-5 EN/IEC 60204-1 UL 508 CSA C22.2 No 14 EN/IEC 60947-5-1 EN/ISO 13850 EN/IEC 60947-5-4 JIS C8201-1 |
锁定式急停按钮头,红色,蘑菇头直径 Ø40,转动复位 IEC 60947-5-1, EN 60 947-5-1, GB/T 14048.1, GB/T14048.5 IP65 conforming to IEC 60529 |
带急停按钮盒 IEC 60947-5-1, EN 60 947-5-1, GB/T 14048.1, GB/T14048.5 |
急停 拉线开关 启动按钮 EN/ISO 13850 CSA C22.2 No 14 EN/IEC 60947-5-5 工作设备规范 2009/104/EC EN/IEC 60947-5-1 机械规范 2006/42/EC UL 508 EN/IEC 60204-1 |
EN 13850:2015
Safety of machinery — Emergency stop function — Principles for design
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