What Is NOM Certification for Mexico? 墨西哥的NOM认证是什么?



Mexico, along with the United States and Canada, is one of the three member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (T-MEC). As such, it is a strategic – and lucrative – gateway for producers wishing to market their products and goods in this vast trade zone.

All products sold in Mexico must comply with Official Mexican Standards, or Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOMs), which are Mexico’s primary, mandatory standards established in the National System of Quality Infrastructure. In this article, we delve into the world of NOMs, exploring their significance and the NOM certification process. You’ll learn how to secure your business activities in Mexico and how NOMs safeguard consumer interests in Mexico’s marketplace. 

墨西哥与美国和加拿大是北美自由贸易协定(T-MEC)的三个成员国之一。因此,对于希望在这个广阔的贸易区推销其产品和商品的生产商来说,它是一个具有战略意义且利润丰厚的门户。所有在墨西哥销售的产品必须符合墨西哥官方标准,或Norma Official Mexicana (nom),这是墨西哥在国家质量基础设施体系中建立的主要强制性标准。



The Basics of Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM认证基本知识

NOMs are standards that encompass a diverse range of industries, including electronics, automotive, food and beverages, and environmental protection. Compliance with NOMs is mandatory for manufacturers, importers, and distributors who wish to enter the Mexican market or operate within its borders.


NOMs are a key pillar of the country's regulatory framework. These standards are developed and approved by several agencies of the Mexican federal government, and they establish specific, mandatory requirements and procedures aimed at guaranteeing both the quality and safety products with regard to consumers and the environment.


NOMs may include requirements for a product’s design, method of production, or operation, as well as requirements related to symbology, packaging, or labeling.



Scope of Mexican Regulations: Which Products Require NOM Certification?


There are over 2000 product categories that require NOM certification in Mexico. Products that require NOM certification include, but are not limited to: 在墨西哥有超过2000个产品类别需要NOM认证。需要NOM认证的产品包括但不限于:

  • Electrical appliances: Household devices, lighting equipment, and electronic components电器:家用电器、照明设备及电子元件
  • Automotive products: Vehicles, tires, and automotive spare parts汽车产品:汽车、轮胎、汽车零配件
  • Health and safety-related items: Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and personal protective equipment (PPE). 与健康和安全相关的物品:药品、医疗器械和个人防护装备(PPE)。
  • Consumer goods: Textiles, toys, and furniture. 消费品:纺织品、玩具和家具。
  • Food and beverages: Processed foods, beverages, and food additives食品和饮料:加工食品、饮料和食品添加剂
  • Telecommunications equipment: Devices and infrastructure related to communication technology电信设备:与通信技术有关的设备和基础设施
  • Environmental protection products: Equipment and technologies for environmental conservation and pollution control环保产品:用于环境保护和污染控制的设备和技术
  • Industrial equipment: Machinery and tools used in various industries用于各种工业的机械和工具



How Does the NOM Certification Conformity Assessment Work? NOM认证合格评定是如何工作的?

Companies must demonstrate the compliance of products and goods with a given Official Mexican Standard prior to their import to Mexico and sale in the Mexican market. This is where NOM certification comes in. 公司必须证明其产品和货物在进口到墨西哥和在墨西哥市场销售之前符合墨西哥官方标准。这就是NOM认证的用武之地。

In order to comply and secure NOM certification, companies must ensure that they can produce official documents demonstrating that their goods and products meet the requirements and specifications described by the authorities. 为了遵守并获得NOM认证,公司必须确保他们能够提供官方文件,证明他们的货物和产品符合当局描述的要求和规格。

It is recommended that applicants work with duly accredited and approved certification agencies to perform the conformity assessment process for NOM certification.申请人需要与正式认可和批准的认证机构合作,执行NOM认证的合格评定过程。

Obtaining NOM certification includes the following steps: 获得NOM认证包括以下步骤:

  1. Identifying the applicable NOMs: The first step is to identify the applicable NOMs for your product. 第一步是确定适用于您的产品的NOM,上海郜盟提供全程辅导。


2. Gathering product documentation: It is essential to have an up-to-date file of product documentation, including technical specifications, test reports, and labeling information. This documentation will be used to assess your product's compliance with the applicable NOM requirementsNOMcertification. 第二步是收集产品文档:拥有最新的产品文档文件是必要的,包括技术规范、测试报告和标签信息,上海郜盟全程指导。

3. Testing your product: To gain market access, your product must be tested in a laboratory to ensure that it meets the requirements of the applicable NOM. These tests should be done by an accredited laboratory in Mexico or one located outside of Mexico that has a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) approved by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Mexican Secretariat of the Economy. NYCE, a QIMA company, is an accredited laboratory in Mexico with an MRA with certifying bodies outside Mexico. 第三步测试您的产品:为了获得市场准入,您的产品必须在实验室进行测试,以确保其符合适用NOM的要求。这些测试应由墨西哥境内的认可实验室或墨西哥境外的实验室进行,该实验室具有墨西哥经济秘书处标准总局(DGN)批准的互认协议(MRA)。

4. Obtaining a NOM certificate: Once your product has passed testing you will receive a test report. With this test report, you can apply for a NOM certificate from a certification body like NYCE that has been approved and accredited by Mexican authorities. The certification body will review your product documentation and test results and issue a NOM certificate if your product meets the requirements of the applicable NOMs. 第四步获得NOM证书:一旦您的产品通过测试,您将收到一份测试报告。有了这份测试报告,您可以向NYCE等认证机构申请NOM证书,这些认证机构已获得墨西哥当局的批准和认可。如果您的产品符合适用NOM的要求,认证机构将审核您的产品文件和测试结果,并颁发NOM证书。

5. Marking your product with the NOM mark: Once you have obtained a NOM certificate, you can mark your product with the NOM mark. The NOM mark is a visual indicator that your product meets the requirements of the applicable NOMs. Bearing a NOM mark on your product means you will have access to the Mexican market without burden during importation, transportation, and/or commercialization.



How Shanghai GOM Can Help 上海郜盟可以为您做什么

The GOM is a third-party certification service body for Mexico and other internet marketing. GOM is a widely recognized technical service organization with a large scale, strong authority, and comprehensive business.

Contact us: www.gaomengce.com Email: info@cegaomeng.com  Tel: 021-34122669


联系方式: www.gaomengce.com 邮箱: info@cegaomeng.com 电话:021-34122669




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