EN ISO 12100:2010 机械安全 - 用于设计的一般准则-风险评估及风险降低
EN 60204-1:2018机械安全.机械电气设备.第1部分:一般要求
EN ISO 19085-17:2021 Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 17: Edge banding machines fed by chains 木工机械安全第17部分:链式封边机
3、EN ISO 19085-17:2021适用范围:
This document gives the safety requirements and measures for edge banding machines fed by chains or belts, with manual loading and unloading and maximum workpiece height capacity of 100 mm, capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred as “machines”.
It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, listed in Annex A, relevant to the machines, when operated, adjusted and maintained as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer; reasonably foreseeable misuse has been considered too. Also, transport, assembly,dismantling, disabling and scrapping phases are taken into account.
The machines are designed to process in one pass one end (single‑end machine) or both ends (double‑ end machine) of panels of:
— materials with similar physical characteristics to wood (see ISO 19085‑1:2021, 3.2), even with a core sheet of aluminium light alloy;
— gypsum plaster boards.
Edges to be applied by the machine can be made of:
— paper;
— melamine;
— plastic;
— composite materials;
— aluminium;
— light alloy;
— veneer;
— solid wood.
It is also applicable to machines fitted with one or more of the following devices/working units, whose hazards have been dealt with:
— hot air banding unit;
— laser banding unit;
— infrared banding unit;
— dynamic processing units;
— sanding belt units;
— milling unit installed out of the integral enclosure at the panel side on single‑end machines;
— milling unit installed out of the integral enclosure between machines halves of double‑end machines;
— additional fixed or movable workpiece support along the feed;
— additional infeed workpiece support;
— additional outfeed workpiece support;
— in‑feed device for transversal loading of panels in single‑end machines;
— intermediate workpiece support in double‑end machines;
— automatic panel returner in single‑end machines;
— automatic tool changing;
— quick tool changing system;
— automatic multiple edges infeed device;
— workpiece heaters.
This document does not deal with any hazards relating to:
a) systems for loading and unloading of the workpiece to a single machine other than automatic panel returner and infeed and outfeed workpiece supports (e.g. robots);
b) the combination of a single machine being used with other machines (as part of a line);
c) workpiece dividing unit installed out of the integral enclosure and/or whose tools protrude out of the integral enclosure;
d) plasma banding unit.
It is not applicable to machines intended for use in potentially explosive atmosphere nor manufactured before the date of its publication.
--与木材具有相似物理特性的材料(见ISO 19085‑1:2021,3.2),即使是铝轻合金芯板;
a) 用于将工件装载和卸载到除自动面板返回器和进料和出料工件支撑之外的单个机器的系统(例如机器人);
b) 单个机器与其他机器的组合(作为生产线的一部分);
c) 安装在整体外壳外的工件分割单元和/或其工具伸出整体外壳外;
d) 血浆条带装置。
1 提交CE申请
2 准备测试样机和技术资料
3 样机测试与整改
4 技术资料审核与整改,上海郜盟专业认证
5 公告机构审核通过后,工厂获得CE证书
6 设备加贴CE标识,顺利在欧盟市场流通